- finish off the 15mm Confederate infantry I have on the painting table which will get me to 3 groups of infantry and some command figures, namely 1 officer, a standard bearer and a drummer.
- Clean up and undercoat the other 22 Confederate infantry and some more command figures - this will be 2 more officers and a sergeant.
- Clean up and undercoat the 24 Zouaves in Kepis that I have acquired, though I will probably paint them as the 14th Brooklyn Chasseurs. These will also have a couple of officers, a drummer and colour party.
- Sort out another 22 Union Infantry, 1 more officer and a sergeant to add to the force and paint up.
- Make some snake rail fences and put together some card buildings to add to the table.
- Put together some more woods markers and other terrain pieces.
- Sort out some figures for my cavalry to paint up some command figures and a couple of individually based ones to allow my existing ACW cavalry to be used.
- Finish painting the ACW artillery I have on the painting table to add to the fun.
So no shortage of work to do, as well as this I will be rebasing most of my ACW collection to use it with They Couldn't Hit An Elephant for mass battles.