The Peter Pig fantasy range (Range 19) includes packs with Garden Gnomes, these have armament with fishing rods, throwing rocks and riders on giant snails. In my case I bought these as a pre-organised army for the Hordes of the Things miniatures rules, which is no longer available, but the figures can still be bought in packs of 8 infantry. I don't have any of the dead or Gnome camp items painted up with the main army.
From left to right the army has rock throwers, the King and fishing rod armed gnomes, a wizard on toadstool finishing with riders on giant snails. In the HotT army these are shooters, spears, a magician and behemoths.
The figures measure roughly 15mm foot to top of head though they are deliberately smaller than regular Peter Pig humans. The figures are cleanly cast with minimal mould lines and flash to be removed and paint up very easily I find. I think that the Peter Pig ranges do have a lot of character compared to some 15mm lines and I recommend them to the wargamer in 15mm.
I'll soon be adding some more reviews of other Peter Pig figures that I have.